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Libraries should stick to books

In your editorial of April 4, you state that libraries are “… community centers, employment bureaus and entertainment kiosks.” You omitted meeting places, and classes on various and sundry.

And to me, that’s the problem. We are avid library patrons. There’s hardly been a week in the last 25 years that we haven’t been to the Valley library. I want the library to remain, or should I say return to, being a library.

I will support funds for an expansion of library facilities. I’ll support funds for a community center in the Valley. I just don’t want them combined. I think that would lead to a further reduction in library function. Note that in a recent minor remodel, the amount of open space on the ground floor increased and the shelf space for the new books section was reduced. And does anyone remember the stacks? You could find almost any book in a labyrinth like that, although I don’t remember the Valley Library ever having stacks.

To avoid misunderstanding, my wife does not agree with me on this and will support the bond issue. So I guess our votes will cancel each other.

Larry Blanchard

Spokane Valley

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