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The Slice: Giant butterfly wings might affect race time

Let’s mull some ideas for saluting the start of Expo ’74 while you’re doing Bloomsday.

As you know, the fair’s first-day anniversary and the annual race/walk/stroller-push are both May 4.

Richard Nixon mask: Would you really want to keep that on all morning?

U.S. Pavilion hat: Might depend on how much it weighs.

Bell-bottoms like those worn by the guy on the Peter Max Expo ’74 postage stamp: Meh.

1970s hairstyle wig: Might amuse your friends. But is it specific enough?

Clocktower costume: Maybe if you will be a spectator.

Dress up like one of the musical performers who appeared that summer: Dolly Parton? Rolf Harris?

Outfit yourself as an over-the-falls gondola car: Maybe if you are going to walk with the stroller people.

You could wear a T-shirt that says “What’s so funny about environmentalism?”: Indeed.

OK, your turn.

Menace of motorized shopping carts, Round 3: John McTear argued that they do, in fact, raise concerns. Here, in a nutshell, are a few of his points.

• Cart operators can forget that they are lower than some shoppers’ line-of-sight.

• Some operators are looking at items on the shelves as they drive and not keeping their eyes on the road, so to speak.

• Some operators whip around corners at a good clip.

Slice answer: In the matter of pushing one’s alma mater on the kids, The Slice heard from a friend whose wife went to Dartmouth. “The biggest roadblock, other than the tuition, is the school fight song,” he wrote.

One passage: “And the granite of New Hampshire, in their muscles and their brains.”

Warm-up question: Which member of your extended family is most likely to drop his or her phone into a lake this year?

Today’s Slice question: What evidence do you have that potato salad – exceptionally good potato salad – is an aphrodisiac? A) The evidence is named Madison and she is 12 years old. B) A lady never tells. C) I suspect that women like men who can cook, but when I make my famous Palouse Potato Salad I am absolutely convinced of it. Say no more. D) Other.

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Today is the late Edward R. Murrow’s birthday.

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