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CHS negligent with data
The Aug. 19 front-page headlines about the attack on Community Health Services is a little late. This happened in April-June, and we’re just now hearing about it?
With today’s sophisticated security software, there should be a lot more protection for personal information stored by our medical providers. The amount of potential damage that can be done with a breach like this is tantamount to an Eric Snowden-type leak.
From the sound of the statement by Jill Fix, they are handling this incident like Target handled the breach to their system: Blame somebody else for the problem, denial-and-head-stuck-in-sand attitude, instead of taking complete ownership.
With the amount of damage done to the large number of patrons nationwide that use CHS, I’m wondering if somewhere out there is a personal negligence lawyer putting together a class-action suit.
Steve Vance
Spokane Valley