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Annexation politics costly

In 1977, when I purchased a home, my water bill was usually no more than $15. In 1996, we were allowed to hook up to the sewer for a $4,304.94 assessment along with the strong insinuation that we would soon be annexed by the city of Spokane. The annexation has never occurred, and fees continue to rise.

My understanding was that this assessment covered the $2,510,816.62 total project cost and thereafter our rates would be the same as city rates. These high fees are not being charged city residences, and we in this area appear to be paying for extending water and sewer lines to developers.

Could someone address the annexation issue? It seems the city has cut a deal with the county to gouge us close-to-the-city/ought-to-be-in-the-city homeowners because no one has yet taken up the cause. Annexation was considered at a March 22, 1995, hearing. What was the conclusion? At sewer hookup time, we had to sign a form saying we would not contest annexation to the city.

Leonard Butters


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