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Terminal benefits few

Regarding the Nov. 23 Pacific Gateway Terminal op-eds: The pro argument was greatly exaggerated.

First of all, the current total rail freight numbers do not include the proposed coal and/or oil shipments.

Our exports are largely agricultural, which is a mainstay of our economy.

As was stated in the con argument, our agricultural shippers have already suffered a blow. Washington’s global economic competitiveness will not be improved with more through trains. The only permanent jobs created will be for terminal operations, which will be automated, with a few more rail crews added.

Pollsters are experts at skewing statistics to prove their points. If the right questions are asked, with selected answers provided, the statistics “prove them out.” We also export a lot of Boeing planes; the fuselages are transported by rail to Renton.

The only ones benefiting from more coal and oil exports are the producers and railroads. An important question that has not been asked is, “Why are we exporting our future energy?”

And why are we paying $3 a gallon for fuel when we are exporting it by the millions of gallons per day? The high price of fuel negatively impacts virtually every part of our lives.

Herb Postlewait


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