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Vote on salaries now

Really? The majority of Spokane City Council members don’t think the voting public can tell the difference between a school bond, Spokane Transit Authority request and the mayor’s salary issue? Well, thanks for the vote of confidence!

As someone who tries to stay informed on all issues coming before the voters, I really do think I will be able to make a sound judgment call on all the matters on the ballot, and not be blindsided by one issue. What issues end up on the ballot is not nearly as relevant as is the matter of people staying in touch, and knowing what is going on in their city and what the issues are that they will be voting on.

I see no reason to hold off putting the mayor’s salary on the upcoming ballot and leave it up to the voters to use good judgment on that issue as well as all the other issues. This is an important matter and holding off serves no good purpose to the citizens, and only goes to serve the politicians. Selective ballot measures do not serve those that public servants are paid to represent, nor do they serve the overall good of the city.

Colleen Gardner


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