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S-R has liberal slant
In response to David Rachoy’s letter Dec 7: You are correct that if such a thing (Gruber) was pulled by a Republican administration, it would be front-page stuff for weeks.
Like you, I also read The Spokesman-Review daily. I determined years ago that the S-R staff reports the news from a left-of-center mindset. It isn’t that the editorial staff has meetings to give a thumbs-up to the news they print. Rather it is that they hire staff with a like liberal mindset. Therefore, what you read is of a partisan bent.
Actually, the best response to your letter was the editor’s note. The note reports that one article buried deep within the paper and information found in a Charles Krauthammer column is proof that they are fair and balanced as they report the news. They really believe that.
Your belief, like mine, was formed over time from many sources and events. I seek my news from multiple sources. In addition to news I agree with, I also seek the opposing view and uncensored news found elsewhere. The S-R is just one source. This way I confirm or adjust the way I believe.
Jon Johnson