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Christ clear on gay marriage
Regarding Bob Wynhausen’s Dec. 7 letter regarding a Nov. 22 Paul Graves column on the Hitching Post’s refusal to marry gay or transgender people: Wynhausen stated, “One thing you won’t find in the New Testament is any reference to homosexuals. Christ never expressed any opinion, pro or con on homosexuals.”
Not true, but focusing on marriage, Jesus defines it in Matthew 19:4-6, “… Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two become one flesh’? …”
Jesus states clearly that marriage is between a man and a woman. The issue is forcing clergy to act contrary to their beliefs. Yet, while answering to a higher authority, Christians are to be known for their love of others, understanding that Jesus died for all.
Perhaps a solution for the Hitching Post would be to allow gay marriages at their facility, as the law requires, but call Graves in for the ceremony. Unfortunately, some gays are targeting to wreck Christian businesses. Is that OK? We can all live together if we try.
Jean Carmichael
Spokane Valley