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Torture should horrify Americans

The information contained in the CIA torture report released Dec. 9 should horrify all Americans. The fact that these despicable acts were done in our name endangers us all as we travel around the world. The mental image we carry of ourselves as a law-abiding nation with a peaceful society that has the moral authority to preach to other nations and groups about their behaviors and misbehaviors on the world scene has been dashed by these revelations. Even more horrifying is the spectacle of Republican congressmen falling all over themselves defending these acts of torture on the basis of possible utility.

First of all, every piece of scientific research into torture utterly refutes its value and utility, and the information gathered from it is completely unreliable. Secondly, what sort of moral universe do we live in that acts of utter depravity and cruelty can be condoned on the basis of “If we don’t do it first, someone else will?”

The fact that most of these congressmen proudly proclaim their fervent and devout Christianity in the face of this kind of pathetic moral reasoning can only provoke shame and nausea in any right-thinking person.

Greg Presley


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