Random act of kindness
My wife buys a lot of soft fleece to make throw blankets for seniors and small children. The other day she was in Hancock Fabrics getting material to make throws for people in wheelchairs. There was this young couple with a small daughter in the store. They evidently overheard the sales lady and my wife discussing the amount of material that would be needed to cover someone from their waist to their shoe tops and tuck in around their legs.
After doing some more shopping, my wife went to the cash register to pay for her purchases. The cashier told her that the material had been paid for by the young couple who had said that if the lady of that age (my wife is 87) could make throws for people in wheelchairs, they could help by paying for the material.
We do not have any idea who this young couple is but want to thank them for this act of kindness. It is not often that you find people so kind and helpful. We want them to understand how much we appreciate the willingness to help a stranger.
Lyle and Laura Crafton