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More political correctness
I notice there was almost no media coverage of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s recent comment that there’s no place in his state for anyone who’s right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon or anti-gay (read pro-traditional marriage).
One might imagine the media frenzy if, say, Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi had said that there is no place in Mississippi for people who are pro-abortion, anti-gun or anti-traditional marriage. They’d be all over him like a pit bull on a poodle.
Another equivalent would be if the president said to the world that there’s no place in the United States for anyone with opinions contrary to liberal democrats: The progenitors of political correctness run amok.
What could cause Cuomo – likely an otherwise intelligent person – to utter a statement reflective of an anti-constitutional and tyrannical spirit? Some possibilities pop to mind – megalomania, or run-off-at-the-mouth-before-engaging-brain – but most likely it’s a classic case of being made stupid by political correctness run amok.
Tom Brooks