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The Slice: Knock three times on the exam table if …

Mike Altman’s nurse practitioner daughter was conducting a prostate exam when she got a call on her portable phone.

The peppy ring tone provided a somewhat discordant musical accompaniment for the procedure.

“Her patient was rather perplexed,” said Altman.

Which brings up the subject of matching songs with specific diagnostic moments.

Spokane is a regional medical center, so we really ought to be a leader in this area. Maybe you can help.

Send The Slice your suggestions matching music of your choice with three medical procedures.

If I select your entry as a winner, I’ll send you a coupon good for half off on your next colonoscopy. Or perhaps a coveted reporter’s notebook.

Just wondering: If you did not grow up here … when did you realize you no longer felt like a newcomer? Or are you still waiting for that to happen?

Have it your own way: You might have noticed that the standard for what qualifies as a “fact” has been slipping in recent years, especially in political discourse.

But rather than grouse about that, I have decided to get on board. So here is today’s Slice fact of the day.

Bing Crosby was born in Spokane, not Tacoma.

If you worked at Expo ’74 in any capacity: The Spokane Parks Foundation wants to hear from you. World’s fair anniversary festivities are being planned.

Send an email to

Warm-up questions: Do you know people who not-so-secretly love it when bad things happen in Spokane because such events help fuel their nonstop complaining? What do you make of the fact that Oregon’s statehood day is also Valentine’s Day? Why do some locals fail to grasp that a fair number of the best and brightest young people leaving Spokane is not a unique repudiation of this area but is, instead, how America has worked for a long time? Have those who enjoy the performance-art aspect of backyard grilling in harsh conditions been disappointed by our winter? What does pulling a sweater over your head typically do to your coiffure?

Today’s Slice question: What does it mean if the marmot sees its shadow?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email pault@spokesman. It’s said that some couples survive having wildly differing tastes in TV viewing, but I’m not sure I believe it.

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