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Why embrace Reagan?

On May 20, the front-page headlines in The Spokesman-Review read: “New PAC accused of deception: Two groups with different views use Reagan Republicans name.”

As an Independent, I read with interest and wondered why each Idaho PAC would want to claim that they were the only “true Reagan Republicans.”

During President Reagan’s eight years in office, 138 members of his administration were convicted, indicted or under criminal investigation, (some during the Iran-Contra affair). Reagan’s policy of deregulating banks and financial institutions enabled them to squander hundreds of billions of dollars, give obscene chief executive office salaries, cause plummeting wages for the working people and the flight of U.S. manufacturing abroad. All are products of Reagan’s marketing zealotry and gutting of the public sector.

The federal debt almost tripled under Reagan’s presidency, from $990 billion to $2.6 trillion.

A close friend of mine with major health issues and his family were able to get an excellent affordable health insurance policy through the Affordable Care Act. Their Idaho insurance agent complained about how bad Obamacare and President Barack Obama were while writing out the policy to get his commission!

Larry Whitesitt


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