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The Slice: Depending on your answer, a prize awaits

If you spend time online, you might have come across this.

Someone will write to one Internet forum or another and say he or she is considering moving to Spokane. “Is it a good place to live?”

As you might expect, the responses are all over the place — from vitriolic Spokane bashing to boosterish fairy tales about the city’s perfection.

But how, besides “It depends,” would you answer that?

Your brief suggestion might win you a coveted reporter’s notebook.

Today’s Slice question: Who tend to be the best backyard/balcony grillers in the Spokane area? A) Single mothers accustomed to juggling tasks. B) Gray haired guys in Hawaiian shirts. C) Middle managers who know all about being blamed when things go wrong. D) Air Force retirees who remember what the B-36 sounded like.

E) People who have run for public office and lost. F) Bald men who are good in a crisis. G) Your ballcap-wearing uncle in a T-shirt that is two sizes too small. H) Grandfathers with great laughs.

I) People who are not easily distracted by Hoopfest stories that begin “There I was …” J) Teenage boys determined to demonstrate that they can be trusted. K) Anyone with three or more old-time station wagons somewhere in his or her automotive family tree. L) People who leave Mark Few alone in stores.

M) Bearded weekend cooks who do not smell like reefer. N) Anyone wearing a 20-year-old Slice T-shirt. O) People married to University of Washington graduates. P) Social media buffs who went to University High School.

Q) Mothers who write letters to the editor. R) Farmers semi-famous for their Palouse sunset tweets. S) Gentlemen who can honestly say they kept their eyes on Stephanie Vigil’s face when they met her. T) People who are about to take part in Bike to Work Week.

U) Mothers who like big dogs. V) STA drivers who say, “My only problem with Mother’s Day is that it was not invented in Spokane.” W) Guys named Scott. X) Vegetarians who have learned to be creative.

Y) University of Idaho sports fans who voted for Frank Church long ago. Z) Bloomsday runners who finished in 1 hour and 17 minutes last Sunday.

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email No Marmot Lodge meeting this month.

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