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People want gun control

In response to “Gun grabbers revealed” by Curt Stone (May 3):

Filed in June 2013, Initiative 594 is written in agreement with over 85 percent of National Rifle Association members. If enacted, the initiative would prevent gun sales/transfers to violent felons and those judged to be mentally ill, as in found mentally incompetent to stand trial for a crime already committed. Unfortunately, this being an initiative from the people of this state, Stone was unable to blame President Obama and his ilk. No legislators involved.

Were this initiative passed in the next election, it would not have any effect on the Second Amendment. There are lots of problems in our state; this is yet to be one of them. The only events pushing this legislation are the multiple mass attacks on large groups of people by the mentally ill. Pick any state; same thing applies.

The real issue with this initiative is that the state will never be able to provide an accurate and current database for use by individuals selling or transferring firearms. Our legislators have returned home bragging about their victory over the budget. Nothing was accomplished and all business has been delayed. Sadly, they are proud of this.

Carlos Weber

Northport, Wash.

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