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Brandt has experience

Would you entrust your life or that of a loved one to a surgeon who had never performed a surgery? Would you fly into a dangerous storm with a pilot who had never flown solo?

The answer is obvious. There are some occupations where training and experience aren’t just niceties, they’re necessities.

Judges fall into this category. District Court judges issue warrants, hear domestic violence cases and often are the last line of defense keeping violent offenders in jail where they belong. Inexperience can lead to dangerous mistakes.

It’s puzzling to see supposedly knowledgeable people endorse Aimee Maurer for judge: only seven years as an attorney; absolutely no judicial experience. Electing such a person to the bench would be risky business indeed.

Fortunately, we have a choice. Vote for Randy Brandt, 26 years as an attorney and 21 years judicial experience hearing thousands of cases. A record of accomplishment. Endorsements by the people who know judges, including the county’s top law enforcement officials – Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich and Prosecutor Steve Tucker – along with retired Judge Jim Murphy, one of the authors of the “Blueprint for Reform.”

Randy Brandt is your choice if you care about your family’s and our community’s safety.

Kate McCaslin


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