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Parable of governing

What follows is a parable:

There once was a young man named Joe, who lived in a rented house with his wife and two school-age children. Joe worked a construction job that allowed him to pay his expenses and put a small amount away each month for his children’s education. However, one month he received a notice that his utility bills were going to increase, and his landlord advised him that his rent was going to go up by $50 a month. In addition, the family car suddenly needed major engine work.

Joe had two options. He could try to raise his income by working overtime, asking for a raise, or taking a second job. Or he could lower expenses by stopping the education fund, canceling the family vacation and not buying any new clothes.

Since Joe was a loyal tea party member, he knew from talking to his representatives that raising revenue (income) was off the table, so the family had to learn to get by with less. Everyone suffered, but Joe was proud that he had stayed true to the party philosophy.

So it goes with our state and federal government, and we are all suffering.

Dan Schaffer


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