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The Slice: Opponents soon learned these Kittens had claws

The Kittens meant business.

We might have identified the least intimidating sports mascot in American scholastic history.

Spokane’s Barbara Hooper said her husband, Hal, graduated from Idaho Falls High School in the 1950s. The teams were known as the Tigers.

But Hal still has his letter sweater from a junior high that was a feeder school for IFHS. The teams at that junior high were the Kittens.

Yes, Kittens.

“Our children wore this sweater to many a dress-up day with much amusement,” said Barbara.

Thank you: In Tuesday’s column, I asked a bunch of prospective-beginner questions about cross-country skiing. And quite a few readers provided excellent answers and advice. (Check out a sampling in the Slice Blog a I came away from my interactions with these folks with a totally favorable impression of Spokane’s Nordic skiing community.

Several recommended checking out

On living in a state named after some guy from back East: “If Washington hadn’t stood firm at Valley Forge et al, the Evergreen State might be named after a long reigning British queen — Victoria,” wrote Rick Barth.

And John Nelson wrote, “In Washington’s time, Virginia defined a significant stretch of the western boundary of the country. Massachusetts and Rhode Island were ‘back East.’”

Slice answers: “What changed my mind about cats?” wrote Rena Brown. “Getting one. How was I, a lifelong dog person, to know that they are fun and funny and sometimes want to be with you?”

Then there was this from John Petrofski. “When I started dating my wife, Jessica, I was introduced to her cats, Harold and Lucille. They had personality and I became a cat person within weeks.”

Today’s Slice question: Is your work commute the only time that people are not making demands of you?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Thomas Rogers has a border collie named Tuxedo that tries to herd and otherwise direct the activities of the resident cats.

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