Impressed by Riverfront plans
The article “Riverfront,” Sept. 28, was very helpful. I believe I will be voting yes. So far, I am impressed with the planning that has gone into the renovations. I certainly believe that any generation should be supporting this project. It will benefit all of us.
I would like to ask the planning committee to consider, once this passes, starting with the safety and lighting issues as much as possible. I realize only so much can be put in place pending other renovations, but please consider as many as possible. That way, people can start to enjoy the park at night, safely, as my age group did when we were preteen/teens and hung out at Expo every night.
Also, ensure a plan for an excellent, well-stocked maintenance building for those who do such a great job keeping the park in as good shape as possible. I’m guessing the renovations will really energize them as well and having the best tools and equipment will help to maintain the renovations proposed.
Beverly Gibb