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War lessons unlearned
Here we go again. Haven’t we learned anything about wars in the past 12 years? We are bankrupting our country on a fool’s war against Muslims. President Obama recently said we have no strategy and it’s true, because we never had any plan to win a war of religious ideology.
Perhaps dropping bombs on Christians might get them to give up their religion, but so far force hasn’t worked against Muslims or Islamists. Dropping bombs on them is the same as putting fertilizer on weeds.
I am amazed at the political talking heads demanding that we go to war in several countries at the same time. Then they turn their face and complain about the debt and Obama’s spending. How are they going to pay the trillions of dollars necessary to fight a never-ending global war?
How about a big tax cut and we print more money to pay for the wars? Then get our kids and grandkids to volunteer their lives and limbs.
Looking at history, the only solution is wars of conquest and enslavement of countries and their people. Otherwise, the winning side becomes the economic loser and bears the costs of rebuilding the countries they destroy.
Pete Scobby
Newport, Wash.