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Republicans learn to take

The Democrats, for all their faults and faux pas, and there are many, are pikers at lying and misrepresenting facts compared to the Republican leadership.

This “leadership” is focused almost singularly on their and their sycophants’ prosperity and egotistical social/religious imperatives. Our society and citizenry as a whole is a distant consideration. This leadership is an appalling failure in supporting education and science, from which comes our social and economic stability/growth and military power.

So, you ask, what can they offer us? Well, over the years, it would seem that the Republican leadership has learned something “useful,” albeit from the Cold War and the Communists, of all things.

And what might that be, you ask? Well, like the Communists, they have learned to demand the whole pie, whether it’s entire countries or, in our case, political power and rigid control over our lives, be it socially, religiously or educationally.

When the Republican leadership rattles their (verbal, in this case?) sabers, as it were, they are demanding everything. Settling for a piece of the pie, they once again make yet another demand, again settling for another piece. Repeat enough times and we’ll become a pathetic shadow of our former greatness.

Donald Capstick


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