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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Seattle’s high-wage cost

Seattle’s new minimum wage law began going into effect on April Fools’ Day. This pricey West Coast city is basically the first metropolis to push employers into providing higher wages.

I think it is unfortunate the West Side doesn’t consider what the East Side population thinks or how it is going to affect them. I know in my lifetime I have heard the West Side being labeled as being selfish and inconsiderate a large number of times.

It will be interesting to see what the business community will do to try to keep its costs competitive. Some European countries that are at least two years ahead of us in using robots have replaced workers and the benefits that go with workers.

I have read about and watched video on the robotic invasion in Europe on duties that require minuscule skills to brute strength. I believe there are two sides to every issue and I know it is more expensive to live in the Seattle area.

However, we should remember that for every action there is a reaction.

Gerald Ray


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