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The Slice: What do people notice about you right away?

What do people notice about you right away?

“I speak with an East Coast accent,” said Judi Durfee.

“My British accent,” said Beverley Novin.

“I’m from the Southeast,” said Pat Carlin.

“I am from Minnesota,” said Kristine Peterson.

Failure to factor in the time difference: “In my experience the people on the East Coast always forget how early it is here,” wrote Karla Sherry.

And a friend shared this. “My mom lived in Florida with all the other New Yorkers,” he wrote. “She would call at 7 a.m., thinking it was 10 a.m. in Spokane. When the phone rang at 4 a.m., we came to realize it was never a family emergency, just mom saying hello. It kept me in top condition to get up at 4 o’clock to go fishing.”

Local youth forced to rely on ancient technology: “Last week I had to drive my 15-year-old daughter to an appointment in my older, no-frills Econoline work van,” wrote Randy Haglund.

The girl wanted her window down. But not finding a switch or button, she was at a loss. So she asked her dad for help.

“Thinking that maybe she couldn’t find the crank, I pointed.”

He told her to turn the handle and made a cranking motion.

She followed his instruction and accomplished the task. When the window was down, she said, in a flat tone, “Weird.”

“I suddenly realized that she had never been in a car without power windows.”

(Yes, I know that’s not the first time The Slice has shared such a story.)

A qualified admission: “Last night our 5-year-old grandson told his grandmother that he had ‘slightly forgot’ where a recent gift from her could be found,” wrote Jacques Lemieux.

Lemieux said the lad’s grandparents might start using that expression themselves as they march toward geezerhood.

A guide to warm-weather apparel: Michael Fleenor, 65, reported that his “Willie Nelson arms” (some sagging and wrinkling) have been deemed a reason to deselect sleeveless muscle shirts from his wear-in-public lineup.

Today’s Slice question: Was T. S. Eliot right about this month?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Re: found coins, check out

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