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The Slice: Recliners make excellent desk chairs

So now I know how the other half lives.

I started back to work last week after being off for more than a month. But for that first week back on the job I worked from home.

It was interesting.

I might be the last person in America to realize this. But working from home is not the same as working in an office. And I’m not just talking about the wearing-a-bathrobe thing.

Here are a few of the differences I noticed. (Feel free to send me your own observations.)

When working at home, you can do a load of laundry.

When working in the office, you don’t hear your wife shriek when she encounters a seemingly Jurassic spider in the basement.

When working at home, it is a bit easier to take a nap.

When working in the office, you don’t hear the power saw operated by the contractor remodeling your bathrooms.

When working at home, you are never far from the refrigerator.

When working in the office, the soundtrack of your day does not typically include dog barking and lawn mowers.

When working at home, it’s easier to adopt a casual attitude about when you last took a shower.

When working in the office, you don’t usually get sidetracked by cats demanding a snack.

When working at home, you don’t worry about how your hair looks.

When working in the office, a colleague texting you with a question isn’t apt to reach you in the middle of a bike ride.

When working at home, part of your shift might include offering a neighbor kid a few tips on bunting.

When working at the office, people ask if you want to go to lunch.

When working at home, people ask if you can come into the kitchen and help them reach something in a high cupboard.

When working in the office, sometimes you just want to finish up and go home.

When working at home, you start to miss your co-workers.

Today’s Slice question: What is your best “A bug flew into my mouth” story?

Write to The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email pault@ I didn’t get to say it last Monday on The Slice’s 23rd anniversary, so let me say it now. Thank you for reading my column.

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