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Control gangs, not guns
In Switzerland, assault rifles are kept in homes as part of the national defense. Should we do the same now that ISIS terrorism has come to America?
American’s gun owners constitute the largest standing army in the world. And, the Second Amendment is America’s original homeland security.
Gun sales, and applications for concealed carry permits, have skyrocketed since the terrorist attacks in California. But the subversive un-American anti-gun lobby is still trying to disarm the American people. Gun control activists like Charlene Davies (Dec. 11) and Neil Heyen (Dec. 10) continue to churn out propaganda, wild-eyed claims, hyperbole and misinformation.
Modern sporting rifles are not “assault rifles” or “weapons of murder.”
Much of the gun violence/deaths, in America, is drug/gang-related. Indeed, almost 100 percent of the gun violence in Walla Walla is due to gangs. We have a gang problem, not a gun problem, and disarming millions of responsible gun owners isn’t the solution.
Curt Stone
Dayton, WA