Diplomacy with Iran
Thank you for covering the ongoing U.S. diplomatic negotiations with Iran. Although I was disappointed that the talks have not yet concluded with a long-term agreement, I was pleased to see the progress that has been made in limiting Iran’s nuclear program, and with the statement that “real and substantial progress” is being made.
Already, some 190 members of Congress have made statements in favor of the ongoing diplomacy with Iran. The 430 grass-roots lobbyists from 43 states who attended the Quaker lobby day in November heard from retired military leaders from the U.S. and Israel that diplomacy is the best way to guard against a nuclear-armed Iran.
I was fortunate enough to be a part of that delegation, encouraging both Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch to support continued talks with Iran and to curtail any new sanctions. The Friends Committee on National Legislation has more on what we can all do to support diplomacy and prevent another war at fcnl.org/iran.
Donna Nordstrom