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Flier flunks school facts

As residents of the Central Valley School District, my wife and I received a flier from the Citizens for Responsible Taxation suggesting that we vote no on the upcoming bond and levy. I found their “facts,” really misinformation, rather curious.

First, passing this bond and levy will not impact our personal budget, as we are already paying this amount each year. There will be no increase in our tax rate when these issues are approved. That’s a fact.

Second, the flier claims that passing this bond and levy will “… destroy jobs and stifle job growth.” Both of these measures will actually increase the number of jobs in our community. Good schools attract young families and businesses, which helps maintain our property values. That’s a fact.

Third, the Washington Supreme Court does not agree that our schools are fully funded, and has charged the Legislature to find a way to do so. That’s a fact.

We feel indebted to those before us that supported schools for our children. Now that we are retired and no longer have children in schools, we feel that it is our duty to support our schools by voting yes twice for Central Valley schools.

Jim Howard


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