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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Greed, not ACA, the problem

The Affordable Care Act is not what’s wrong with health care. Greed is.

The establishment that provided a knee walker I needed after recent foot surgery billed my insurance company $180 per month for a three-month rental. I found, after the fact, the walker could be purchased online at Target for $182. My insurance provider might as well have purchased one, and I could have donated the item to the next person who needed it, and saved on the overhead.

This is on the small end of the scale. Don’t even get me started on the cost of drugs, or the necessity of withstanding pain because a prescription for pain medication is greatly curtailed by current law.

Thanks to my provider for having an online cost comparison available, or I’d have paid too much for my surgery. Thanks to my surgical office for an overall good health care experience; I knew what I was going to pay upfront – it was quite fair – due to my homework ahead of time.

Be your own advocate, or you’ll get ripped off. Well, maybe you’ll get ripped off anyway. And quit bringing politics into it. Just follow the money. Wait, what did I just say?

Sally Hetland


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