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Global warming solution is sound

I see that climate scientist William Pennell’s May 30 column calling for a carbon fee and dividend to keep the climate livable has stirred quite a reaction. One letter writer says the climate hasn’t warmed in 18 years; a claim refuted by a major study reported just days ago by The Spokesman-Review. The study shows that warming has continued. Another letter rails against climate action and the Internal Revenue Service.

Please. Let’s listen to actual climate experts like Pennell, 97 percent of whom acknowledge our responsibility for warming the Earth. All of the world’s national scientific academies agree that we must phase out fossil fuels altogether within a few decades. Fortunately, economists studying this say we can easily afford it.

Carbon fee and dividend is the most economically sound first step. By adding a price to fossil fuels to account for pollution costs, then sending that money to all citizens, we cut climate damage while giving everyone resources to adjust their living, much as Alaska taxes oil companies and spreads that money among residents in dividend checks that boost local economies.

Thanks to Pennell for a great solution to the world’s most important challenge.

David Camp


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