Support Dolezal, NAACP
Today, I wrote a check for membership in Spokane NAACP Chapter 1137. Although a supporter nationally of the NAACP and NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, I never joined locally. Shawn Vestal’s article in the March 3 Spokesman-Review about the threatening hate mail Rachel Dolezal received recently sent me to my computer to print out the membership form.
This is my response to the ignorance and bigotry shown by the person who hides in Spokane’s shadows without the courage to stand up publicly and own his or her own garbage. Why hide? So neighbors won’t know this person is the one who sent that filth to a respected community leader? Does the writer already know that most community members don’t agree?
I urge all who were outraged by his act to join the local NAACP chapter or another human rights organization. Let’s back up our values with tangible support. Given current headlines, it’s obvious that the relationship between law enforcement and people of color is in serious need of communication, education, training and healing.
Clearly, it is not just law enforcement. People like Dolezal are leading the way forward. Please support her and them and our police who are investigating this offense.
Nancy White
Spokane Valley