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End trade partnership

People of the world, unite! While millionaires consider the world their playground, billionaires consider the world their garden. When they planted their seeds and created the North American Free Trade Agreement, Americans lost millions of jobs and nobody did anything.

Now we have the offshoot called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It is being negotiated behind closed doors between governments and multinational corporations. Corporations that are involved get daily updates, while members of our Congress do not.

It leaves out of the negotiations representatives of labor, environmentalist, consumer and other groups in our society. It would allow corporations to sue governments in private courts set up specifically to hear cases in which corporations lost money due to environmental, labor or any other law contrary to the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It would put corporations above the sovereignty of all nations that belong to this partnership.

Spread the word, worldwide. It is time to pull this weed from the garden, and burn it.

Lawrence Schuchart


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