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Shame on Cooney

Regarding the handling and dismissal of Sgt. John Gately’s charges of tipping off Officer Gordon Ennis on sexual assault charges: Shame on Judge John Cooney. Why was more protection provided to the offender than the victim? Had the crime not involved sexual assault, the outcome would most likely been far different. Isn’t the motto “Serve and Protect”?

Jon Krakauer’s book “Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town” applies not only to college campuses. Sexual assault is rarely a one-time occurrence. The perpetrator is often a repeat offender.

And what about SCC’s scandal regarding Gary Johns and Mike Prim, a former police lieutenant? Why do students have no safe place to report this abuse? Bravo to Jaida Burgess for having the courage to report their unprofessional conduct in the face of their threats.

I was assaulted and nearly raped by an acquaintance in New Jersey. His father was a lawyer and New Jersey state representative. Ergo, I assumed nothing would be done and never reported it. But that was 40 years ago. When will “the good old boy” mentality change?

I suggest Krakauer’s book be mandatory reading for anyone involved in the criminal justice system. It’s 2016, enlighten yourselves.

Lisa Caldwell


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