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License gun owners

In response to “Why not control cars?” (July 26): Your argument as presented is a false bifurcation. There are options between total gun freedom and a total gun ban. Most gun control advocates I know don’t want a blanket gun ban. We want accountability and reasonable controls, much like we already have for cars.

In the U.S., a driver’s license is required to drive a car. To get the license you are tested on your knowledge of laws and your ability to drive safely. A similar system should be used for guns. Gun owners should be licensed and tested on their knowledge and abilities.

In the state of Washington, we also require insurance for car drivers. I would say it is reasonable to also require insurance for gun owners, and for the same reason: if someone is hurt, the responsible party should be held accountable.

I am the daughter of an avid hunter and fisherman. I grew up around guns and own them myself. I would never advocate for a total ban on guns. But the fact remains that people are dying. We must do a better job of protecting the innocent and promoting responsibility. Gun controls similar to car controls are a great first step.

Suzanne Saunders


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