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Vote Anybody But Cathy

It has been nearly 12 years (it seems like longer) that Cathy McMorris Rodgers as served as our congresswoman. In that time she has sponsored and passed no bills of consequence. Her radio ads alert us to the problems with the VA, and the crises in health care and the economy. These are not new problems. In 12 years they have been either unrecognized, unaddressed or she has been ineffective in solving them.

Why should we think she can do better in the next two years? She rails and promises to fight against the bureaucrats in Washington. Look in the mirror, Cathy, you are one of them. As Pogo said, “We have seen the enemy and he is us.”

She now has thrown her support with Donald Trump, a candidate who every day becomes more of an embarrassment to himself, our party and our country. I do not know McMorris Rodgers. I have no doubt she is a nice person and a good wife and mother. Unfortunately she is not a good congressperson. We deserve better, and it is time for a change.

Come November I would encourage you to remember you ABCs and vote for Anybody But Cathy.

Tim Gardner


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