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Trump’s message is clear

As expected, the media continues its full court press on Mr. Trump while Mrs. Clinton gets a free pass. Mr. Trump’s weekly comments continue to be filtered through the progressive media dictionary of political correctness. The uninformed electorate gobbles these sound bites faster than Rosie O’Donnell can snort a 20-piece bucket at KFC.

Trump’s message is simple: 1) Secure our southern border, then process people who are here illegally back to their country of origin. Impossible? Look at this as a federal jobs project. 2) Thoroughly vet people we invite here and slow down immigration from areas that continue to be hot beds of terrorism. 3) Revisit trade agreements in countries that refuse to open their markets to our goods and services. Our trade relationship with China has been a one-sided affair. They take advantage of our open markets and close theirs via regulatory fiat where they do not want the competition. The impact on our economy is stifling. 4) Recognize Obamacare for what it is, a huge federal expansion of Medicaid where the states will ultimately be stuck with the bill.

Or, just tax the job creators into oblivion and see how that works out.

Steve Clemens


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