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The Slice: Answered and asked
Last Thursday, I proposed a role reversal.
So, to lead off today’s column, Slice readers first provided the answers and The Slice then came up with the questions. You know, “Jeopardy!” style.
Here goes.
“A liberal rag.” – John Bafaro
What do you call a newspaper that always endorses the Republican presidential nominee?
“A top dead center finder for a Hispano-Suiza.” – Chris Thain
What is the only engine diagnostic tool not currently taking up space in your garage?
“The Garbage Goat.” – Bill Mahaney
Who is Spokane’s most popular metallic ruminant?
Hockey fan Pat Cadagan had a question: “At a number of sporting events, why does ‘the house’ have to BLARE music at us the instant there is a stoppage in play? And by blare I mean SO LOUD you can’t carry on a conversation with the person next to you!
“That never happened back in the days of the Flyers, Jets and Comets. You could actually chat about the previous goal, check or altercation without having to scream your thoughts. Or greet an old friend. It was quite pleasant, actually, and you could leave the building without a headache. And it is not just the Arena, other venues also indulge in this practice. Nor is it just hockey. Among others, it also happens at indoor football and basketball games. I’ve just never understood the logic or necessity of the BLAST of noise every time there is any kind of stoppage of play.”
Pat, I suspect the promoters of sports events want to play up the entertainment aspect of the game and present athletics in a high-energy environment.
To accomplish this, they seek to keep the audience stunned with sensory overload. I believe their reasoning could be described thusly: If people have a moment to think, they might start considering other places they could be and other things they could be doing.
By the way, I agree with you. Which, of course, means one thing.
We are old.
That, however, does not mean we are wrong.
Fill in the blank: What “Beware of…” signs could Spokane use?
“Beware of (THE INSANITY).” – Joan Nolan
Warm-up question: What is your spirit animal?
Today’s Slice question: If you were going to pick someone to give a guided tour of downtown Spokane architecture, who would it be?
(What are your three favorite buildings?)
Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email A gentleman with whom I was conversing on the bus said model building is less exasperating now than years ago in part because marijuana is legal.