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The Slice: Kudos for contributing to society

Congratulations on not starting your week by planning to steal landscaping fixtures.

Let’s move on.

Just wondering: Do you trust people who always agree with you?

What to do with newspaper clippings significant to your family: “I don’t have kids to pass them down to but I do have some adult nieces and nephews who have suddenly shown an interest in the old family stuff,” wrote Sheila Barnes of Ponderay, Idaho.

Her solution has been to scan them as computer files for a family blog or email them to specific family members she thinks would be interested. She also has posted some on Facebook.

“I will probably keep most of the originals because that’s sort of who I am. I have no idea who will take care of this family treasure trove when I’m gone. Hope it doesn’t end up in a dumpster.”

Slice answer: Herb Postlewait wouldn’t want to see a magical printout listing unkind things said about him behind his back, even if he also got to see a list of flattering things said behind his back.

“The positive items on it I already know as well as some of the negative ones. I am aware that I have done things that some people don’t like, maybe unintentionally. Then there are misunderstandings, wrong perceptions and other distortions of facts. These things must be ignored or one’s self esteem could be damaged. Live by the Golden Rule and try to be positive at all times.”

Cowboys and indigenous peoples: Ken Rice, who recently attended a baseball game at Avista Stadium, wondered if playing the bugled cavalry charge over the public address system is really the best choice for firing up fans of a team called the Indians.

“Is there a better option?”

Today’s Slice question: Do little kids ever dream of growing up to do what you do for a living?

A) Yes, of course. I’m a heavy equipment operator. B) How would I know? C) If there are any such children, I would beg them to get some therapy. D) I’m unemployed and spend most of my time on a dilapidated couch smoking pot. So, yeah. Probably. E) Sure. Don’t all little boys and girls aspire to rack up billable hours? F) If they do, they had better have a good attitude about learning math. G) You say “dream.” Do nightmares count? H) Other.

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email The Slice has referred to the old Hamm’s beer jingle eight times since first asking readers to sing it a little more than 10 years ago.

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