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What is Valley’s direction?

Spokane Valley is the 10th largest city in Washington state, population over 90,000 people. There have been two city managers, both ousted in the same manner as “fired.” The first time, specific reasons were given by the City Council. When I asked Deputy Mayor Arne Woodward at the recent City Council meeting, he replied no comment.

At the meeting, three council members supported the city manager, Mike Jackson; they listed all of his accomplishments. Four opposed but with no comment. Three have been on the council for several years, one for two months.

In The Spokesman Review (Feb. 25), the mayor stated that there is a new direction. Could someone tell us what is the new direction? City Council represents all of the citizens in our civic and business lives. Citizens are not going to agree on everything, but why is a new direction needed? Who is rowing this boat?

Spokane Valley City Council members are not elected by political party. Therefore, political ideologies or platforms should not be the focus of council. Call or email your elected officials and attend the meetings. Ask for answers and transparent council decisions. Citizens count.

Peggy Doering

Spokane Valley

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