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Hite for Inland Power board

We would like to show our support for Don Hite in the upcoming Inland Power and Light board election. As longtime residents of the Spokane Valley, we believe it is critical to have someone with Don’s engineering and electric power background on the Inland board to keep our electricity costs at a minimum.

Many have wanted our inexpensive hydro-power over the past three decades. Unfortunately, politics are now forcing Inland to use alternate forms of “renewable” power which, by definition, does not include the electricity from our region’s hydro-electric dams. These increasing costs hurt our elderly, retired and low-income neighbors as well as small businesses and family farms the most because such expenses cannot be simply passed on.

After knowing Don for 20 years, we are familiar with his engineering experience in the electric power field which would help Inland keep our electric rates low into the future. Don also has experience in environmental engineering and is a published author, two additional qualities that will help Inland get through the mass of government regulations.

Beyond this, Don is someone who will actually listen to our fellow rate-payers as well as provide feedback to us before Inland Board decisions are finalized.

Bob and Fran Schmick

Otis Orchards

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