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The Slice: The rain check that keeps on giving

So looking back on October, what did we learn?

It seems pretty clear. People in Spokane don’t want to go out in the rain.

Attendance was way down at various outdoor festivals and entertainment offerings.

That’s to be expected, I suppose. But my fear is this excuse for staying home has become a habit. Now that locals have gotten a taste of it, maybe they won’t want to give up on this all-purpose rationale for staying in.

“Looks like it might rain. Let’s not go.”

Call it Inertia-storm ’16. Stay tuned for Total Team Coverage.

You see, I have a theory. I think a lot of us would just as soon stay home.

“Spokane: Near the living room, near perfect.”

Oh sure, once we do put forth the effort to make ourselves presentable and head out to a show or a restaurant, we usually find that we enjoy ourselves.

But given the option to remain planted in a comfortable chair not far from the fridge, at least a few of us will elect to stay put. And all that rain last month offered homebodies a perfect excuse to recreate in place.

Except it’s not really perfect. Those of us west of the Idaho border live in rainy Washington. Sure, it doesn’t usually rain all that much in the Spokane area. But aren’t Washingtonians, even those of us on the dry side, supposed to be able to cope with it when raindrops start falling on our heads?

(Don’t answer that if you are one of those people unfamiliar with hats.)

Isn’t calmly dealing with rain a state pride thing?

Maybe not.

Of course, over on our side of the state at least, I think there are those of us who could get used to having a convenient reason for sticking near the hearth – even when there is little chance of precipitation.

“Yeah, it could be fun to go out and do that. But I think I’ll stay in. Might rain.”

“What are you talking about? There’s not a cloud in the sky. The forecast says nothing about rain.”

“Yeah, well. I just remember October. Have you seen the remote?”

Next month is December: So let me ask (not for the first time) … who around here comes closest to mailing Christmas cards to recipients in all 50 states?

Today’s Slice question: How hideous is your posture?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email If you want a laugh, ask some little kids what year Washington or Idaho became a state.

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