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I-732 the only action

Sue Lani Madsen (Oct. 14) opposes I-732 (placing a fee on carbon emissions and reducing taxes) because of unspecified “unintended consequences.” That’s rather vague, while unintended consequences of not dealing with global warming can be easily specified: wildfires and droughts in Washington state and horrific rainfalls and storms around the country and the world, for example.

Madsen suggests we let the Legislature act. They had a chance to act and did not. Big greens had a chance to act and did not. A grassroots group of concerned citizens did act. They collected more than 350,000 signatures for this initiative based on the successful British Columbia model. I-732 will reduce carbon pollution while helping people and businesses by reducing sales and B&O taxes. Low-income families are also aided.

It’s time to stop bickering over whether there is a better way to do this. The unintended consequences of not acting include leaving today’s kids and future generations a world in turmoil. Action on climate cannot wait. Republican and Democratic elected officials, economists from across the state, business leaders, Audubon – Washington, and many others agree. Act now for a livable planet by voting yes on I-732.

Virginia Lohr


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