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Won’t miss Obama

Eight years ago, and then again four years later, I was disappointed in the results of the election. After both I did not engage in violent protests, rant about the end of the world, threaten to move to another country, or engage in other infantile behavior. I congratulated the winners in an editorial in this paper with the fervent hope that the next four years would be beneficial to our country.

Sadly, by any objective comparison, they were not. This, along with so many Americans finally becoming fed up with not being able to actually say “Merry Christmas,” having to put up with males entering our daughters’ bathrooms, being told we don’t pay our fair share while millions pay nothing, having to worry about wearing an “inappropriate costume” on Halloween, and an ever more intrusive government is why Hillary Clinton lost.

I don’t know many people who voted for Donald Trump. I know dozens who voted against Clinton. The Trump presidency may be a very good or very bad one. One thing is certain. It will not be another four years of Obama. For that I am thankful.

Hal Dixon


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