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STA drivers are heroes

My heroes haven’t always been bus drivers. In fact prior to my commuter days, I was of the mindset that buses were a nuisance and a huge inconvenience when trapped behind one in traffic. I humbly submit now, after riding the 124 North Express for the past 8.5 years, that my heroes are definitely bus drivers.

Over those years not only have I saved approximately 33,000 miles wear and tear on my automobile from not driving the 16-mile round trip from the Wandermere Park ‘n’ Ride to downtown every day, but also about 1,700 hours of wear and tear on my nerves.

I cannot express adequately the appreciation I hold for the STA system and its drivers in particular. Letting the professionals deal with the ice and snow is priceless. However, maneuvering through the recent and seemingly endless street construction projects, particularly in the downtown area, have elevated the bus drivers in my opinion from really great people to near superheroes.

STA bus drivers, I salute you each and every one. You have my extreme admiration and undying gratitude.

Wanda Clark


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