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The Slice: Revisiting reefer madness

I asked readers to suggest how I should feel about having my column mug shot covered up by a promotional sticker for a marijuana store (last Friday’s features section).

Here are just a few of the thoughts shared with me.

“Maybe you should just take a deep breath and suck it up.” – Dana Freeborn

“I might ask myself if they were trying to tell me something.” – Jean Shute

“Could be your editor’s way of saying ‘Paul, you’ve gone to pot.’ ” – Jim Collier

“That’s ‘One Toke Over the Line,’ Dude.” – Deborah Chan

“ ‘Highly’ insulted!” – Lynn Lombard

“Your editors should be ashamed, give you a big raise, and apologize!” – Grace Nelson

“You should be happy it is a marijuana ad and not a male enhancement advertisement.” – Mary Skinner

“You should chill, dewd.” – Steve LaCombe

“You have to understand that the editors sometimes have to make joint decisions. But I imagine if you talk to them, before next time, you can probably nip this problem in the bud.” – Rick Lloyd

Others suggested the stickers meant I’m a pothead, that I should not Bogart that mug shot and how it revealed me to be the shadowy figure behind local marijuana sales.

This date in Slice history (1992): Today’s Slice question: What aspect of life in the Inland Northwest ought to come with a warning label?

Slice answer: In the matter of what customs agents at the Spokane/Spokane Valley border should ask motorists, Curt Olsen had a thought.

“Do you have any undeclared marmots?”

Warm-up question: When do you first feel yourself shifting into weekend mode?

A) About 30 seconds after lunch on Friday. B) When you first get up on Saturday morning. C) Thursday night. D) When you are at work and realize you haven’t actually thought about any job-related tasks for 90 minutes. E) When you hear yourself saying “Let me get back to you on that” to every form of human contact even vaguely related to work. F) Upon the first mention of bags of ice. G) Other.

Today’s Slice question: Would you rather see a live show from right up front where you can make out the performers’ faces and individual beads of sweat or from up in the balcony where you can look down on the proceedings and see the whole stage?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Kevin Driscoll asked, “Does anyone remember buying ears of corn, 10 for a dollar, off a flatbed truck by the old Costco on East Third Avenue?”

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