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From silencers to ban

I’ve read that a 12-gauge shotgun is louder than the engine of a space shuttle rocket lifting off.

My ears ring, 24/7, due to my many years of involvement in the shooting sports. And, I’ve always used hearing protection. To alleviate these problems, it’s being proposed that firearm silencers be made, once more, legal.

But, Warren Stout (July 16 letter) suggests that silencers not be allowed despite their decades of successful use in Europe.

While I appreciate Stout’s concerns about silencer use in crime, I hope that he hasn’t joined other anti-gun fanatics, like Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Party, Shawn Vestal and Pete Scobby, anti-gun activists whose ultimate goal, in my opinion, is to ban, confiscate and destroy all civilian-owned firearms, and remove the Second Amendment from the U.S. Constitution.

Curt Stone


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