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Intolerance on display

I was taken aback by the vitriolic responses to Steve Massey’s article. Whether you agree with him or not, what happened to civilized discourse or the realization that there are people with other points of view? Many of those writing letters in response to Massey’s column either demanded that The Spokesman drop Massey’s column or seemed to think that Massey’s opinion piece should have been cut — i.e., censored. Therefore, ironically, I conclude that many of these people are showing themselves to be quite intolerant.

Whether or not I agree with Massey, I believe that he tried to present his opinion in a respectful, non-bigoted manner based on his personal religious beliefs. Those who disagree certainly have the right to do so, but few made their counterpoint in a respectful manner. They appear to believe that if anyone disagrees with them on transgender issues, they should be silenced.

As far as presenting context to oppose Massey, hasn’t that been already done in prior editions? I seem to recall an article about a transgender child in Spokane and that family’s experience. The Gay Pride Parade in Spokane always gets significant coverage. Heightened respect even while disagreeing would benefit us all.

Diane Hansen


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