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Plows should be modified

As the plows rumble past the homes and driveways of the elderly and others in the wee hours of the mornings, it would be nice if their thoughts of the homeowners did not immediately turn to, “I wonder how bad I am plowed in, and will I be able to clear it?” “Maybe my neighbors will be there to help me again.” The city/county should not leave the elderly in such a position.

The plows need to utilize “gates” if they hope to provide a complete service to the taxpayers rather than the amount of disservice that is currently being provided. The plows not only ought to be modified for snow removal from driveways; they can and should be modified. Have our community leaders never heard the saying that if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well?

I’ve no doubt that snow removal is a big job, but the drivers are paid a good wage for those extra hours. For safety issues there needs to be guidelines on length of shifts, with driver input, as to the length of shift.

Mike McMorris


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