Vital issues at stake
Robert Johnson may not approve of the blame game (“Blame game illogical,” June 29), but he missed the point.
How can anyone who values clean water and fresh air continue to support a party with an agenda to roll back the clean water rule and the clean power plan, slash the EPA, gut Medicaid and health coverage for millions of us, and decimate the critical safety nets each and every one of us may desperately need someday.
Remember, candidate Trump promised not to cut Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. Now, six months into his presidency he’s backing the Republican health care bill that drastically cuts Medicaid. Will Social Security and Medicare be their next targets? Are we willing to take that chance?
Robert Johnson might be rich enough to be a Republican. He may be rich enough to buy bottled water and fund his retirement without Social Security or Medicare. I am not. Are you?
Nancy Anderson