Trump doesn’t show respect
David Noggles (“Disrespect for president,” June 29) complained about lack of respect for the president of the United States. His complaint was specifically about the president, not the office. The president he was complaining about has demonstrated repeatedly and egregiously that he personally is incapable of respecting people. His attitudes are not private, they are displayed dramatically for all to see and hear. He has insulted every sensibility and civility possible, attacking people for their appearance, for being female, for disagreeing with him. His insults are stunningly sick in their nature.
He has spoken of personally grabbing women by their genitalia; he has questioned whether people would vote for a woman because he found her looks lacking. He has used his office to attempt to deny human rights to people because of their religion. He is nothing more than a vile and evil person. A mafia don is a good person in comparison. What respect has he earned?
David McNeely
Medical Lake