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Portland mayor was wrong

The mayor of Portland wants to ban pro-Trump rallies. According to The Spokesman Review, the mayor said his main concern is “participants coming to peddle a message of hatred.”

If the concern is to ban people and organizations from peddling messages of hatred, he needs to ban Black Lives Matter, most Democratic politicians, anarchists, representatives of MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post and the New York Times, and leftist/racist student organizations such as those who have essentially shut down Evergreen State College in Olympia. (It is interesting to note that as of May 31 there had been no coverage of the Evergreen State College fiasco in The Spokesman Review.)

Remember, to a Democrat, hate speech is anything you disagree with. All non-leftist thought and speech must be vilified and silenced.

What triggered this latest reaction by the mayor was the terrible stabbings in Portland by Jeremy Christian, who appears to be an angry, mentally deranged individual with hatred for just about everyone. To try and paint him as a conservative is totally dishonest, but what else should we expect from the press. Just to be sure you hear the whole story, Christian expressed his support for Bernie Sanders on his Facebook page.

Gerald Click


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